An exceptional general-purpose fertiliser, rich in vital plant foods and trace elements necessary for robust growth, prolific flowering, and fruit ripening. Ideal for application throughout the growing season. Granular fertilisers include Vitax Q4 Premier for fruit, vegetables, flowers, and roses, along with other garden fertilisers like Growmore, Bonemeal, Blood Fish, and Bone, Conifer and Shrub Straights, Superphosphate, Sulphate of Potash, Sulphate of Ammonia, Epsom Salts, Sulphate of Iron, and Dried Blood. This outstanding pelleted fertiliser caters to plants, roses, fruit, flowers, vegetables, and new lawns, providing essential plant foods and trace elements for vigorous growth, abundant flowering, and fruit ripening.



·         Vitax Q4 Professional All-Purpose Fertiliser

·         Contains essential plant foods and trace elements

·         Promotes vigorous growth, abundant flowering, and fruit ripening

·         Suitable for use throughout the growing season

·         Ideal for plants, roses, fruit, flowers, vegetables, and new lawns

·         Enhances soil fertility and plant health for long-term vitality



Coverage: Suitable for large garden areas

Shelf Life: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight

Weight: 10 Kg

Form: Granules


How to Use:

Apply evenly over soil surface or mix into the soil prior to planting.

Water thoroughly after application to activate nutrients.

Reapply every 6-8 weeks during the growing season for best results.


Size: 10 Kg Tub