We will treat your orders as we would like ours to be treated with love, passion and care.

You are always welcome to contact us for any further information.

Make sure that we will pick the best plants for your order.
Shipping is done via DHL (Never forget to mention your full name, full address, and phone number). A tracking number will be provided for every purchase and a Free phytosanitary certificate. Shipping will take around 5 days.

Photos are reference so plants can be more or less but for sure it will be in a great condition and ready for the trip to your place.

Cuttings are fresh cut from a mother tree already bearing fruits in the same day of your order than wrapped for packaging. It will be ready for grafting of planting later. Size of cuttings is around 20 cm or 8''. We will cut leaves to prevent stress on plant and dehydration and we will send you pictures of your cutting before and after removing the leaves.

Coffea arabica, the coffee plant, is an attractive shrub with glossy green leaves and clusters of scented white flowers in early summer. In its native habitat a coffee plant can grow up to 8m tall, but it can be grown in the UK as a house plant.

As a house plant, a coffee plant makes an impact all year round with evergreen leaves that are slightly ruffled at the edges. Once mature, after about four years, you may also get highly fragrant white flowers, followed by green fruits that ripen and turn red, then almost black. The two seeds inside each fruit are the coffee beans.

It's not going to be a big harvest but a coffee plant grown in the right conditions might produce enough for an espresso. The beans will need to be roasted before being ground. It’s the roasting of the beans that produces the coffee aroma. Although it would take a number of mature bushes to produce a sizeable harvest, attempting to grow your own coffee is a fun project.

Coffee plants need a warm spot with bright, indirect light. They're best grown as house plants or in a greenhouse. Their ideal growing temperature is 16-24ºC. Water regularly, keeping the compost moist but not waterlogged. Feed every two weeks during the growing season with a liquid feed. Keep humidity levels high by standing the plant in a tray of pebbles filled with water, and misting the leaves regularly.

Coffea arabica will do best in bright, indirect light. Avoid full sun as the leaves will get scorched and turn brown, and keep away from draughts. These plants need a temperature of around 16-24ºC and a slightly lower temperature during winter. A conservatory or light bathroom would be ideal for a coffee plant as they like bright light and humidity.

Once you order our beautiful Coffea arabica cuttings, we will cut for you 6 fresh cuttings from a mature tree already that had already bearing fruits. You will receive your order by DHL within few days and make sure to put your cuttings in moist soil and warm place or you can also put in water. You are always welcome to ask us any question in your mind and we are always happy to assist you in your planting journey.