NUTRO ULTRA believes that dogs deserve to enjoy their food as much as we enjoy ours. And like us, they shouldn’t have to compromise on taste. NUTRO ULTRA Adult Dry Dog Food with a Trio of Proteins From Chicken, Lamb and Salmon is crafted using quality ingredients that satisfy and nourish. These delicious recipes start with real chicken as the #1 ingredient and feature a trio of high-quality protein from poultry, lamb, and salmon and a blend of 15 vibrant superfoods like coconut, chia, kale, and blueberries. NUTRO ULTRA Adult Recipe provides a balanced diet for adult dogs that’s nutrient rich and full of flavor that’ll help your dog thrive. Bring together unique ingredients and flavors to make your pet’s mealtime an extraordinary moment with NUTRO ULTRA Dog Food. All NUTRO ULTRA Dry Dog Foods follow the NUTRO FEED CLEAN philosophy, using high-quality, real ingredients sourced from trusted farmers and suppliers. These dry recipes are made with Non-GMO ingredients† and have no chicken by-product meal, corn, wheat, or soy protein and no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. Plus, these nutrient rich recipes designed for canines are full of flavor and have high-quality protein as the foundation of every recipe. † Trace amounts of genetically modified material may be present due to potential cross-contact during manufacturing.
Contains one (1) 30 lb. bag of NUTRO ULTRA Adult Dry Dog Food with a Trio of Proteins From Chicken, Lamb and Salmon
Features trio of protein from chicken, lamb, and salmon—chicken is the #1 ingredient—specially formulated for adult dogs
Our premium dog food kibble is made with high-quality ingredients and provides complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs in every bowl
NUTRO ULTRA Dry Dog Food protects the integrity of the food at every stage of the process, sourcing from trusted farmers and suppliers, preparing only in trusted facilities and rigorously testing for quality and food safety.
We will never add artificial preservatives, flavors or colors. We will not use ingredients like chicken by-product meal, corn, wheat or soy protein +Trace amounts may be present due to potential cross-contact during manufacturing.
NUTRO ULTRA Dry Dog Food is made with high-quality ingredients carefully sourced from our trusted network of farmers and suppliers.
+Trace amounts may be present due to potential cross-contact during manufacturing.