Bluebird Conservation: Protecting the Sialia sialis Bluebirds are a beloved species, but they are facing challenges from starling hordes taking over nesting boxes and natural tree cavities. In order to help protect these beautiful birds, more houses should be put up for them and measures should be taken to check the starling population. One effective way to attract bluebirds is by placing boxes atop fence posts near fields. These boxes should have an entrance hole no larger than 1/2" to keep out starlings, with a floor size of 5" x 5" and a depth of 8". By providing suitable nesting spaces, we can help conserve the bluebird population. Bluebirds are not only a joy to observe, but they also hold significance as the state bird of Missouri and New York. To support their conservation efforts, consider purchasing bluebird houses from NATURE PRESS or authorized agents. Let's work together to protect our bluebirds and ensure their continued presence in our environment. Place a stamp on this postcard and help spread the word about bluebird conservation.