Managed Cloud Hosting with FREE DOMAIN NAME 

( or .com)

30 day Money Back Guarantee

Managed Cloud Web Hosting gives you a virtual private server (VPS), dedicated to your website – or websites. Dependent on the size of the VPS you purchase and its resources, you can host as many sites as you like.

One feature-rich control panel to manage everything

All our services are managed from our powerful and easy to use control panel. And you’re not limited to websites: databases, domains, email,files, Git version control and much more can all be managed centrally. It’s all one integrated hosting service.
You’ll have access to the same hosting used by the largest companies in the world. So you’ll get the best teams of hosting and network security experts behind you. They have access to the latest training and technologies to ensure that your cloud server remains faultless.

Email Included

No need to set up separate server for your email: unlimited business email is included with all our Managed Cloud Hosting. Plus it’s won’t eat into your compute or storage – it’s handled away from your web server

Talk to us about our WorsPress Page Builder



  • 1 Core
  • 1GB RAM
  • 1000GB Bandwidth
  • 25GB SSD


  • 1 Core
  • 2GB RAM
  • 2000GB Bandwidth
  • 50GB SSD


  • 2 Core
  • 4GB RAM
  • 4000GB Bandwidth
  • 80GB SSD


  • 4 Core
  • 8GB RAM
  • 5000GB Bandwidth
  • 160GB SSD


  • 8 Core
  • 16GB RAM
  • 10000GB Bandwidth
  • 320GB SSD


  • 12 Core
  • 32GB RAM
  • 20000GB Bandwidth
  • 640GB SSD

The Beast

  • 16 Core
  • 32GB RAM
  • 30000GB Bandwidth
  • 640GB SSD

Easy management: Manage all your servers, websites, email, security, backups and domains from MySim, the most advanced and intuitive control panel around.

Dedicated Migration Centre: Migrate unlimited sites and email from other web hosts easily.

Renewed via Sim Digital Ltd