This is a custom device designed specifically for Nintendo 64 cartridges. It allows you to dump ROMs for use in emulators or on devices like Everdrive-64. It has the ability to read and write saved games from cartridges and controller memory paks, and allows you to seamlessly transfer saved games between a real N64 and emulators or Everdrive-64.

Key Features
- Single slot for Nintendo 64 cartridges.
- Capable of dumping ROMs for emulator use or on Everdrive-64.
- Read and write saved games from/to cartridges and controller memory paks.
- Transfer saved games between real N64 and emulators or Everdrive-64.
- USB cable included for easy connectivity.

Important Information
- Save files may require "byte-swapping" for compatibility with certain emulators. (message me if you need help with byte-swapping, I'm happy to help)
- Requires a micro SD card (4 GB or greater).
- Must be used with a computer or Android device.

Usage Instructions:
1. Prepare Micro SD Card:
   - Format a micro SD card (4 GB or larger) in FAT32 or exFAT.
   - Download the `n64.txt` file and place it in the root directory of the micro SD card.

2. For Windows Users:
   - Download and install PuTTY to control the device. 
   - Open Device Manager, select Ports, and locate the device listed as COM# (where # will vary).
   - In PuTTY, select Connection Type: "Serial" and enter the COM#.
   - Set Speed to "9600".
   - Save your configuration for easy access.

3. For Linux/Mac Users:
   - Use the `screen` command.
   - Determine the USB device name (e.g., /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ACM0).
   - Enter `sudo screen /dev/tty` replacing `` with the appropriate designation for your system.

4. For Android Users:
   - Install the app "Serial USB Terminal" to operate the device.
   - A USB OTG adapter (not included) may be required.

Note: Images provided in the documentation serve as examples and may not reflect the actual contents of the package. Items such as the micro SD card, USB cable, N64 games, N64 controller, and smartphone are for demonstration purposes only and are not included with the 'sanni Cartridge Reader'.