Tourmaline cleanses, purifies & transforms dense, negative & low energy into a lighter vibration. It grounds spiritual energy, clears & balances all the Chakras whilst forming a powerful protection shield around the body...

There are many reasons why virtually everyone would benefit from Tourmaline. We are in constant contact with other people & their energies. The protective properties of Black Tourmaline is THE stone in keeping you balanced, grounded & free from picking up negative & or unwanted energies from the environment. Black Tourmaline also shields from harmful EMF, electromagnetic radiation, from TVs, computers & mobile phones by emitting a small electric current.

Metaphysically, Tourmaline also aids in understanding oneself & others, taking you deep into yourself, promoting self-confidence & diminishing fear. It helps attract inspiration, compassion, tolerance & prosperity. It is also a powerful mental healer balancing the right-left hemispheres of the brain & transmuting negative thought patterns into positive ones...

Tourmaline, mentally, physically & spiritually is THE most Powerful Protection Stone.


- 1 x Raw Tourmaline Specimen

- Small 20mm approx

- Ethically Sourced from Brazil

- As Featured on Instagram @katauras