MicroDrivePico replacement for Microdrive units for Sinclair QL.

Do you have a Sinclair QL but your Microdrives doesn't work? Read bellow because it is your lucky day!

The Sinclair QL, has a big problem with its Microdrives units and cartridges. Thus Dr. Gusman developed a great solution based on a RaspBerryPi Pico, that emulate the original Microdrive and cartridges.

This solutions is a low cost and OpenSource Hardware/Software replacement for original Microdrives units and cartridge.
The original project have been modified by Popopo in order to get some improvements in order to plug & use. This is the version that you can buy here.

The system use a Micro SD cart to store files of MDVs images. Making it to behave like a Gotek system does. And just Plug & Play
Supported by a oLED Screen it allows to navigate for the file system in a much easier way.

The project is still getting improvements and new features. Please to read the whole information before buy a set.

The set of this system is composed by:
Extra functionalities included in the firmware (Popopo version):
All components are fully tested and you get what is shown: Driver & cartridge. but NOT INCLUDED Micro SD card, nor Screws.

The photos shown could differ from the version that you are going to buy 1.4.b/c. That has shape improvements and new features.
But, at any case, please to read all the documentation about the original project at the site:

With special attention about the tools that you can use at (if needed):

And the original user guide

To get a better idea about what it does please to watch these videos showing up the project, how to use it and how to install it.
How to install it:

How it works:

Please, keep in mind those videos and photos shown previous versions but all functionality are the same even have been improved with last versions that you are going to buy here :)

Due to different case reasons, the EDGE socket need some profile works as described on the project site and videos. Those works are not done in the set that are provided here. Please, keep in mind that should be made by yourself for obvious reasons.


The project is under constantly improvements. I am working on it as much as my time allows me. But there are now some working in progress to add more new features by upgrading the firmware (you don't need to change or buy new devices). Please contact me and keep in touch to get last updates, upgrades and news.