Gibson Thunderbird IV VS 1 Electric Bass Guitar


Gibson / Thunderbird IV is in stock second hand.
The Thunderbird was released in 1963 with a design by car designer Raymond Dietrich. The tone with presence is unique, and it continues to be synonymous with unrivaled rock bass.
Strap pin holes Additional strap pins are available. There is a weather check on the back of the neck. There is a step due to the difference in expansion and contraction of the wood part of the head, fingerboard, and neck, and there are scratches on the entire body buckle.
Overall there is a lot of damage, but you can still use it without any problems in playing.

Truss rod: There is room in the tightening direction / There is room in the loosening direction
Neck condition: Slightly wavy No problem with current performance
Frets: 70-80% remaining
Case: hard case
Serial number: 91939796
Weight: 4.06kg

Although there is a feeling of use,there is no problem in operation.
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