1/6 Custom Build (One of a kind) US 101st Airborne Division 506th P.IR. Lieutenant Richard Winters as portrayed by Damian Lewis in the Heralded Series “Band of Brothers” depicting “Stick-67” Boarding C-47 England D-Day June 6, 1944. This fully weathered figure and accessories includes: A custom oak display stand with enameled “Screaming Eagles” emblem a super realistic face blackened Headsculpt a “Stick-67” rally sign around his neck along with a “Cricket” signaling device with tether of Lewis an officers shirt M42 jump tunic with division patch gas warning arm brassard M42 trousers with leg ties Corcoran jump boots T-5 parachute with rigging and a reserve chute a brass-knuckle trench knife a fighting boot knife with leather sheath and tethers web belt an E-tool with cover first aid pouch metal canteen with cover 2 riggers pouches canteen with cloth cover cloth first aid pouch para e tool with cloth cover cloth assault gas mask bag leg tethered jump bag with drop harness and shock absorber mount Musette bag jump helmet with camouflage netting with camouflage scrim opening map case with 2 detailed campaign maps inside in compass watch gloved hands opening breech M1 Garand rifle with sling and ammo clip inside

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