English Ivy 10 LIVE Plant Cuttings UNROOTED 12" Evergreen Vine EASY TO GROW!

Add some natural greenery to your indoor or outdoor space with these 10 unrooted English Ivy plant cuttings. Note: Some of the cuttings may already have roots along the vine.

These easy-to-grow vines are perfect for those who want to add some greenery to their surroundings. With its evergreen features, these ivy cuttings are perfect for those who want to add some life to their space all year round. 

The 12" long cuttings are perfect for those looking to start their own little garden project or for those who simply want to try their hand at propagating plants. These ivy cuttings are suitable for both indoor and outdoor spaces, and with their climbing growth habit, they can add a beautiful touch to any space. 

How To Root Ivy Cuttings:

  1. Choose a healthy ivy stem with at least four leaves, and cut just below a node (where the leaf joins the stem) using clean, sharp scissors. Then, remove the bottom two or three leaves. 
  2. Place the cutting in a clear glass filled with water, ensuring the nodes where you removed the leaves are submerged, but keeping the top leaves above the water. (Make sure no leaves are below the water line!).
  3. Position the glass in a location with indirect sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can cause algae growth in the water.
  4. Change the water every three or four days to provide fresh nutrients and prevent bacteria buildup.
  5. You should soon see roots developing from the submerged nodes. Once the roots are a few inches long, your ivy is ready to be potted in soil.
Please understand that ivy is invasive & will spread quickly if not placed in a container. It will also climb up anything it is next to, including your house!

Here are some plant facts:

English Ivy (Hedera helix) is a rapidly growing evergreen vine that can add interest to woodland gardens, where the natural spreading habit fills spaces among and under trees. You can use the ivy as a groundcover instead of mulches or hardscaping. Ivy can add natural color to fences, arbors and similar structures. In a container, English ivy fills under other plants and spills over the edge for an English cottage effect.

Low-growing English Ivy can take sun or part shade and typically reaches about 8 inches high. It is a hardy perennial plant, able to survive cold in zone 5 and heat up to zone 8 and higher, depending on how much sun it gets. Ivy can spread out to nearly 15 feet, so it is a versatile plant for screening or adding year-round color to a landscape. Ivy can provide dense groundcover that cuts down on weeds. If you are unsure about how it grows, try ivy as a container plant first.

English Ivy Care

Plant English Ivy in rich soil that has plenty of organic matter. The easy-care plant needs little help except regular watering; it likes humid conditions but can survive brief periods of drought. Roots grow up the stems, so English ivy can latch onto posts or other structures you want to cover. Just keep an eye on where it trails and cut away from any trees or structure where you don't want the ivy to go. Prune lightly in spring for fresh, new leaf and stem growth.

Please don't hesitate to message me with any questions you may have :o)