Brought for Christmas 2022 and used a handful of times for pool and table football. Perfect condition. Due to size it is collection only, please message me if local and can't collect as I may be able to deliver for small cost.

Link to argos page :$ja=tsid:59157%7Cacid:629-618-1342%7Ccid:20368875273%7Cagid:%7Ctid:%7Ccrid:%7Cnw:x%7Crnd:5481326866687097410%7Cdvc:m%7Cadp:%7Cmt:%7Cloc:9045138&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20368875273&utm_term=9542521&utm_content=shopping&utm_custom1=&utm_custom2=629-618-1342&GPDP=true&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA8sauBhB3EiwAruTRJsiu5gDWTtKUUcbX6NAuQs_bhovRvMuuVEELlpYE0yH0ccw1BjIEMRoCF7cQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

The Hy-Pro 12 in 1 Folding Multi Games Table is a versatile piece of furniture that provides hours of entertainment for the whole family. It boasts 12 different games including pool, table tennis, and foosball, making it a must-have for any game room or play area. The table is designed to fold away easily for compact storage when not in use, and the sturdy construction ensures durability and longevity.

The table is branded by Argos, a renowned company known for producing high-quality products, and is suitable for use in both indoor and outdoor settings. Whether you're looking for a table for family game night or to entertain guests at your next party, the Hy-Pro 12 in 1 Folding Multi Games Table is an excellent choice that promises fun for all ages.