ACEO Art Card 2.5 in x 3.5 in: A Meticulously Crafted Miniature Original Painting
We acknowledge that there may be subtle variations in color between the listing image and the actual painting due to individual monitor settings, camera configurations, and other factors. However, we assure you that the true beauty of the artwork can only be fully appreciated in person.

Disclaimer: The artwork you are bidding on is an authentic creation. Please note that the images, characters, or designs depicted remain the exclusive copyright of the artist.

What Are ACEO's:

ACEO, an abbreviation for Art Cards Editions & Originals, represents an art form that transcends mediums and materials, as long as the dimensions adhere to a standardized 2.5 in. x 3.5 in. format akin to a trading card. In an effort to ensure the highest quality for my original artwork, I personally craft each card with meticulous precision.
This painting has been exclusively conceived and executed by the talented artist, bearing the artist's initials and signature on the rear.

Payment Details:
Kindly settle the payment within a five-day period following the auction's conclusion. Any outstanding transactions after this deadline will be canceled, and you will be prohibited from participating in future bidding activities.

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