Hello, thank you for looking at my listing. I am selling my Salamanders Army. I could probably get more by splitting it but I'd rather it stayed together.

Captain in Gravis Army
Primaris Librarian
Primaris Lieutenant
Tech Marine (Forge World OOP)

10x Incursors with Sgt
10x Intersessors with Sgt  
10x Intersessors with Sgt  
10x Intersessors with Sgt  (also included is one extra Sgt)

1x Redemptor Dreadnought (arms & body magnitised)
1x Contemptor Dreadnought (arms, body & missile rack magnitised)
1x Bray'arh Ashmantle  (arms & body magnitised)

6x Inceptors
6x Aggressors