1pc brand new 1503 dielectric gauge Worldwide Delivery
1pc brand new  1503 dielectric gauge Worldwide Delivery
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Information about the condition of the cargo

Condition: Used:

The item has been used and shows signs of wear.


The item has changed from the old state to the new state.

Unused state:

The item is in the packaging, obviously there is no sign of use, but the item may have been installed once for testing.

Original sealing conditions:

This item comes from the original manufacturer? pack. The packaging is not opened, and the manufacturer's seals/stickers are still intact on some items.

Condition New: Other:

The merchandise is new and unused, there is no packaging, and it may even be an old model because of storage.

Product description picture and content:

All brand names and names mentioned are the registered trademarks of the owners. In my offer, they are only used to describe and display articles.
All illustrations/pictures are symbolic and are only used to show and describe my article. For reference only, the seller can provide the actual pictures if needed.
