Stop the banging of your roller blinds in the breeze!

Are you tired of being woken up by the annoying sound of your roller blinds banging against the window frame every time there is a breeze? Do you wish you could enjoy a peaceful and uninterrupted sleep without having to sacrifice your privacy or comfort? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is your answer!

Design and made in Brisbane, this simple device clips on to the bottom hem bar of your blinds and holds it in place so you don't have to listen to the incessant knocking while still being able to enjoy a fresh breeze. Sold in pairs; one for each side of the blind.

It 2 in 1 with the following modes:

Made from TPU, they are strong yet flexible. However, due to the 3d printing process, they might be imperfections in the surface finish. 

If your Bottom Hem Bar Style is not currently in the list please send a message and we will see what we can do!