Give your pup the healthiest start in life with this dry bag of complete, natural food brimming with freshly prepared meat and offal, with wholesome ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin to help support healthy, growing joints We’ve also used other freshly prepared ingredients including nutritious organs, vegetables and fruit in this puppy dry dog food, and an array of nutritious botanical herbs. This natural food provides gentle digestion, too Our selection of treats, dry, wet and organic dog food is made with freshly prepared meat and offal, and naturally nutritious, wholesome ingredients. You can also find food for allergic dogs for those with meat intolerances As a B Corp company, we are committed to our target to be fully recyclable by 2025. To find out more about our sustainable initiatives, and how we use our business as a force for good! Visit our brandstore Here at Lily’s Kitchen, we make proper food using responsibly sourced ingredients and freshly prepared meat and offal, so we can provide your pet with wholesome, natural food. Only the best for your furry family