Here we have on offer at a bargain price something a bit special!

A very high quality feature packed unit to give a true classic vintage British sound. Custom designed and styled around the vintage EMI REDD47 mic pre and Altec EMI RS124 vari-mu compressors.

In a single 2u enclosure you have a unit with a single chan valve mic pre & a single chan vari mu compressor. These have been designed and built as totally independent circuits so can work in linked mode with the mic pre output fed directly to the compressor line input or as a separated mic pre and compressor.

To do this you have 2 x transformer balanced XLR rear input and 2 x transformer balanced rear line outputs. Very high quality transformers including custom made line outputs, mic input and a Lundahl input.

Please also drop me a message over at my Facebook page if i can help with more info and pics

A very unique unit built to a very high standard