National Museum, Dublin. Middle Bronze Age. 125mm 245g
This is a thin-butted, cast-flanged axe, with a heavy , thick blade and an almost semi-circular cutting edge.
The cast stop ridge is curved, in harmony with the blade.
The significant features of the axe are the chevron-decorated flanges. 
The size of the axe, and the relative impracticality of the cutting edge together with the investment of time and skill to create the the two sets of decorated flanges transport this axe into the realms of currency or means of exchange beyond that of an everyday useful axe.
The last photo shows the BROCKAGH axe and its dedicated and well-fastened pouch, with suspension loop/belt.
Two years ago, another highly decorated axe in its matching decorated pouch was found in a bog.
None of the axes show evidence of practical working , leading to the conclusion that they had a different function entirely.