Old keys from the Soviet Union
Condition: Used. Very Good, but has some surface marks and tiny bit rusty.Unit weight 1000 grams(2,1 lb)
Dear customers. You will buy the product shown in the photo.
The buyer will receive exactly the keys shown in the photos

We ship worldwide. All orders are processed and shipped within 1 business days of receipt of payment. 
Shipping cost - free

We ship worldwide. All orders are processed and shipped within 1 business days of receipt of payment.

Combined Shipping.
Combined shipping will depend on weight of the package
 Please wait before paying and I will invoice next day or sooner.  Multiple purchases one shipment one invoice saves you and me money. 
 Before bidding.

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Please take a close look at the picture. You will receive exactly what you see on the picture, nothing more, nothing less.
     Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions before you place your bid.
Please view the pictures for your own estimation of the item. The item on the picture is the one you will receive. 
 If you require any further details or scans of the item please contact with me and I will be happy to provide you with more 
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