

Beautifully Polished Slice.

(Polished on one side)

Class: L5 Chondrite

Location: Volgograd District, Russia 

Fell: December 6, 1922,  found 1968, recognized 1979.


Witnessed Fall 6th December 1922. The meteorite was found only in 1968 during plowing of the fields of the Leninsky collective farm. A first report about the find was received 11 years later (1979) from B.G. Nikiforova, a welder. The Tsarev meteorite shower is the biggest fall of a stony meteorite on the territory of the USSR.

The largest mass weighs 284 kg,

the smallest 761 g. The greatest distance between the find sites was 6.0 km.

I guarantee 100% that the meteorites for sale on this page are genuine meteorites.

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GMA #G0049

Global Meteorite Association Member