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Characters include Captain Britain, Lockheed, Cannonball, Thunderbird, Archangel, Strong Guy, Cable, Polaris, Havok, Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Meggan, Beast, Shatterstar, Feral, Wolfsbane, Storm, Rogue, Madrox, Cyclops, Iceman, Psylocke, Jean Grey, Professor X, Gambit, Domino, Boom Boom, Rachel aka Phoenix, and Shadowcat.  All drawn by Jim Lee at the top of his game.  Take special note that this poster includes Cyclop's brother Alex who is now leading one of the Avengers teams.  Captain Britain and Psylocke are brother and sister.  Captain Britain and Meggan are together.  Captain Britain is not a mutant.  Psylocke is.  Cable is Cyclop's and Jean Grey's clones son.  You all met Archangel in one of the X-Men movies...he was the one with the wings.  In the comics, humans amputated his wings and Apocalypse gave him those in return for his soul.  Also notice Wolverine standing slightly in front of Professor X...foreshadows of things to come, hmmmm...?

Now that Prof X has made his MCU debut in Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness, the rest of the X-Men can't be far behind!  The idea of the X-Men FINALLY being done right and interacting with the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe is so exciting and you know that Avengers vs X-Men is now inevitable!  Between this news and the quality of all the post-Jonathan Hickman X-Books, now is perhaps the greatest time to be an X-Men fan- ever!!!

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