The front of the postcard features a warning sign that reads "US GOVERNMENT PROPERTY NO TRESPASSING." The sign also indicates that the stop was made in June 1988 and mentions a big tree that used to be located where the stop sign is now. The location is identified as the main entrance to the Veterans Administration Hospital and Home in Dayton, Ohio. The back of the postcard provides more information about the location, stating that in 1949 there was a big tree where the stop sign now stands. The postcard serves as a reminder that the area is US government property and trespassing is not allowed. The postcard likely serves as a warning to visitors to respect the property and not enter without permission. The postcard captures a moment in time at the Veterans Administration Hospital and Home in Dayton, Ohio. The image of the stop sign and the mention of the big tree from 1949 provide a glimpse into the history and significance of the location. The postcard serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting government property and following the rules and regulations in place.