The latest innovation from helps with flying insects using the power of the sun as it works from starting at dusk. With a black design and flickering flame LED, this bug zapper torch looks like an open flame without the hazard of one. The Insect Killer torch is weatherproof. With the no-touch catch tray, the zapped insects can be disposed of easily and without coming in contact with the grid. This electric insect killer doubles as a path light or a garden light for your home. With a full daytime charge, the insect killer torch performs for up to 6+ hours once the sun goes down, luring flying insects via a blue UV LED. Position the insect killer torch where the most sunlight is received along your path, porch, deck, or outdoor patio. Since the solar-powered Insect Killer Torch can attract and kill flying insects every night, it can be a welcome addition in efforts to proactively reduce the number of flying insects around homes. When comparing the amount of torch fuel needed to perform the same number of hours daily, think green. Think safe. Think Solar Insect Killer Torch.