URB NJ 205 EC3 Single Row Cylindrical Roller Bearing | Einreihiges Zylinderrollenlager | 25x52x15 mm | Increased Load Capacity/Erhöhte Tragfähigkeit

Explore the superior performance of the URB NJ 205 EC3 cylindrical roller bearing. Developed for machines requiring a robust bearing that can handle high radial loads, this bearing incorporates an optimized E design and a C3 internal clearance, ensuring exceptional durability and performance.

For inquiries or bulk orders, please contact us via WA or call +492219171750!

Key Features/Wichtigste Merkmale:

Technical Specifications/Technische Spezifikationen:

Model/ModellNJ 205 EC3
Bearing Type/LagertypSingle Row Cylindrical Roller/Einreihiges Zylinderrollenlager
Inner Diameter/Innendurchmesser (d)25 mm
Outer Diameter/Außendurchmesser (D)52 mm
Width/Breite (B)15 mm
Radial Internal Clearance/Radiales SpielC3
Design Optimization/DesignoptimierungE


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