Scabiosa atropurpurea. Scabiosa seeds are also known as the Pincushion Flower. Fully double flowers in white. Flowers are 8cm (3") across and almost ball-shaped, appearing from mid-summer to frost. Start this annual indoors 4-5 weeks before last frost,. Sow scabiosa seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil, do not cover. Needs light to germinate. Kept at 70° F., germination is in 10-20 days. Can direct sow scabiosa seeds into prepared seed beds in groups of 3-4 seeds, spaced 12-18 in. apart. Thin to the strongest plant.

Plant height to 78-104cm (30-40"). Scabiosa flowers are unusually generous with nectar, so these plants will attract all manner of insects, and even hummingbirds. Scabiosa is drought tolerant so it is useful for xeriscaping. Bring some cut flowers indoors and enjoy their fragrant scent in flower arrangements.

SOIL TYPE: Fertile, Neutral

SCENT: Scented

SITE: Full Sun, Shelter

MOISTURE: Well-Drained

HEIGHT: 90cm/36”

SPACING: 40-45cm (16-18in)

SOWING, SEEDS, PLANTING: Best sown under cover March-May and/or late August for planting out 4-6 weeks later or direct sow April-May.

CARE TIPS: Deadhead regularly to promote further blooms to appear. Grows well in container pots. May need staking.

FLOWERING: June - October