Beautiful 7 Chakra Stone Healing And Balancing Bracelet With Tree Of Life

Do your  Chakras need balancing and revigorating?
If your chakras are Healthy, they spin and radiate energy. They allow the life force to flow through the body.
 Chakras  impact the health and overall well being of every individual.
Wearing one of these beautifully hand made matte 7 Chakra Gem stone  bracelets with  Om & Tree of Life charms will help you get that zip and Zing back into your life.Choose from Silver or Gold Plated Charms.

Chakra Gemstones: 
  • 7th Primary Chakra-Amethyst - Balances the Sahasrara or Crown Chakra
  • 6th Primary Chakra-Lapis Lazui - Ajna or third-eye chakra
  • 5th Primary Chakra-Turquoise -  Vishuddha  or Throat Chakra helps you express yourself. 
  • 4th Primary Chakra-Green Jasper - The heart chakra, or Anahata in its original Sanskrit name, 
  • 3rd Primary Chakra-Tiger Eye - Manipura  or Solar Plexus Chakra
  • 2nd Primary Chakra-Orange Carnelian - Swadhisthana  or Sacral Chakra-
  • 1st Primary Chakra-Red Jasper - The Muladhara  or root chakra  is literally the foundation of the chakra system.



Get one for yourself or your friends/family. Great Gift Idea. 


Limited Quantity. We sell out often. Consider buying two or more.