When the U.S. entered WW1, Woodrow Wilson issued "14 Points" that would insure world peace after Germany's defeat. No less than half of these directly affected Germany, and their implementation led to Germany's loss of the Ruhr (and its coal reserves) to France and many of its Eastern lands to Poland as well as reparations, permanent disarmament, and other punitive actions.

This Notgeld is the only piece of German currency that directly addresses the "14 Points"!  A bear symbolizing Germany has a wagon hitch rammed down its throat while the wagon master impales the bear's rear with a wooden pole. This gruesome full color image is accompanied by the inscription "With the 14 Points, first holed (or holed in the front) then firmly screwed (tightly braided) up the back side".

Amazing politically motivated banknote from a country that had fallen from on high and was being kicked while it was down.