TILL GORKKRAKKA rose to prominence in the Ork ranks not just because of his brute strength, but also because of his unique ability to rally and inspire Orks with his deep, booming voice. Instead of the typical Waaar! chants, he belts out guttural, rhythmic verses that can inspire even the laziest Gretchin to pick up arms. He�s known for his dramatic entrances to battlefields, often accompanied by massive pyrotechnics and laser shows. Other Orks love him for his ability to turn any battlefield into a rock concert, and enemies fear the deafening roars of his warband. It is said that TILL GORKKRAKKA once challenged a Noise Marine to a duel of sonic warfare. The ensuing battle was so loud and intense that it shattered the eardrums of everyone present. In the end, Til�s deep, powerful voice proved superior, and the Noise Marine admitted defeat, retreating with a newfound respect for the Orkish vocalist. Special Abilities: �Du Hast Waaar!�: When GORKKRAKKA bellows out his signature battle cry, all Orks in a nearby radius get a temporary boost in strength and morale. Pyrotechnic Display: Can call in a barrage of explosive fireworks, blinding and disorienting the enemy. Microphone-Hamma Smash: A powerful melee attack using his custom weapon, capable of taking down even the toughest foes. Compatible with ork miniature collections this model is the perfect assistant to the games workshop ork lootas goff rocker flash gitz with shokk attack gun microphone. At home next to gunz n fungus or artel da boyzz. He helps nobs, ork boyz and even gretchin rock out! HQ resin miniature in 40k Heroic scale with 32mm base. The miniatures require painting and assembly (use cyanoacrylate superglue only).