Tomato Marsalato F1 is an early, indeterminate hybrid of a large-fruited tomato from Dutch breeders from Enza Zaden. It is grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. The plant is tall, branched, leafy, very powerful and loaded with ovary. It has a high level of resistance to diseases and adverse external influences. Seedling cultivation is recommended, the approximate planting density is no more than 2.5 plants per sq.m.
Marsalato F1 tomatoes can be harvested 100 days after mass shoots. The fruits are red, ribbed, rounded flattened, weighing about 190-200 g. The pulp is uniform, fleshy, with a lot of juice, pleasant taste and aroma. Ideal for preparing fresh salads, as well as cooking, juicing or preparing preparations for the winter.
Features of the tomato variety Marsalato F1:
- the growing season is about 100 days;
- open and closed ground;
- good productivity and binding;
- immunity to a wide range of diseases;
- high yield potential, long-term return of the crop;
- excellent taste and presentation;
- keeping quality and transportability;
- for the fresh market, cooking, juice processing.

Pack of 5 seeds.