When placing your order, please include a note or message me with the following details:

12-digit trainer code
Coordinates (latitude and longitude - you can use Google Maps or latlong.net to get the two numbers)
Availability (including time zone)

I will then message you as soon as I am free to complete the trade(s).

NOTE:  My time zone is EST. I make every effort to process trades as quickly as possible, but some days do get busier than others, and I'm not always online. Please be patient while I get to your order(s).


A special trade occurs when at least one trainer is receiving a Pokemon that is new to their inventory. The game allows 1 special trade per day unless an event says otherwise.

All special trades require 20,000 stardust each (but could be reduced during an event). You will need to accept or send a gift before trading, and you can trade any Pokemon you'd like.


In some listings, the CP will be indicated. For example, if the listing title says "1000+CP PRE-TRADE," this means the Pokemon's CP is anywhere above 1000 CP prior to being traded. If the CP has not been indicated, that means it will be random.

IV and CP will change with every trade, and the chance of getting a lucky Pokemon will be random as well.