Methylene Blue (MB)
Pure 99.99% 1% Solution 
100ml (3.38 fl. oz.) Stored in Miron Glass Bottle
A groundbreaking health supplement that was discovered and utilised back in the 1800's. We made this 1% Solution as there is so much confusion on how to take it. I made this for me, for all of you so I could actually say "This is how you use it".

The studies are truly incredible, this MB 1% Solution was made so you can use this incredible substance easily and safely. 
We suggest you read for yourself about how amazing it is.

Suggested Use

We sell Methylene Blue for research purposes, here is a guide for you if conducting research it's not a suggestion on how much to take.

  • Serving Size: 1 drop of this 1% Methylene Blue Solution contains 0.5mgs of Methylene Blue.
  • When to take: Take Methylene Blue on an empty stomach, as food may interfere with its absorption.
  • Duration: It is also good to take breaks from usage. The duration depends on the purpose of the research. MB has a half-life in the body of about 6hrs. This means that half the amount of MB taken remains in the body after 6hrs. Becasue of this we advise that for low dose MB you should at least take 1 day off per week to reset and allow the MB to completely leave the body.
Dr J Lieurance: 0.5-1mg per kg of weight daily 2-4 days a week. He authored "Methylene Blue & Metabolic Medicine" then suggesting 20-60mg daily to be a good therapeutic dose. 
Dr Berg: Suggested a larger amount than Lieurance for the Kg body weight divided across the day, however this has since been removed. 
Dr Gonzalez-Lima & Dr Mercola: Both suggest low doses again of 0.5 mg to 1mg per kilo of bodyweight for nonacute, longer-term goals.

Note on Vitamin C

There seem to be a few ways to use Vitamin C with MB that is either mix it in with your glass and leave for 3 hours, or just take Vitamin C on the same day. However it also seems short term use of MB doesn't require the use of Vitamin C. Therefore we did not conclude to mix Vit C in with MB and leave it for your research. We recommend using L-Ascorbate as the type of Vitamin C, the Perque Potent C we have is this form. Some people suggest consuming Methylene Blue with ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) as it aids absorption. Ascorbic Acid facilitates the reduction of MB, promoting its cycling. So unfortunately the jury is still out on this. You could also buy our Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Powder. 


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