
ebay trading is my primary source of income but I also spend a lot of time making music (okay, mostly noise), it seems like a good idea to try combine the 2. I know how hard it is to find like minded people so If you've stumbled across this listing and like something about my sound... here I am!

I've just started uploading to the major platforms and will be offering each project up for sale. Search MitchieMasha to hear the track. There's hundreds of other projects not yet released, with a new upload coming each month.

This project is titled Space Racer... as I feel the track would play perfectly alongside an animated scifi movie montage type of thing. Intergalactic rogue traders racing through the stars. I may get the music video made and a fresh master if I raise some extra cash.

In the project, explore my workflow and create something new, your free to use and share what you make. Create a remix and you're free to share as long as I remain the artist and you tag yourself as the remix. Send it to me, I'm eager to hear your work, I could upload it, there's many options available after this first stage. Some tracks will be getting pressed to vinyl, especially for rave DJ's I know, I'll be needing alternate mixes to go on the vinyl.

Coming soon:
 We can add videos on ebay now, so I'm looking into making a small clip of inside the project and how that fits with ebays policies.


What you'll receive is a download link to a ZIP containing the Cubase project folder. Each track will also be as a stem in a stems folder, as you may have different VST's than me (also making the project compatible with other DAWs). That's all the drums, synths, sfx, vox chops, all as individual tracks. We'd also be connected to work on projects and to grow together.

This price is very much an introductory price just to see if the idea has potential. The price will double after the 1st sale. Listings will be removed once I have acquired a full list of producer friends, otherwise I'd be overloaded.

Disclaimer: I'm very much a beginner myself, as you'll hear in my songs. I know I would of loved such projects to play with when I first started. Even if you're a seasoned pro, get in touch... I'm eager to learn and level up myself. Please search and listen to the track before purchase as I can't post links or samples into an ebay listing.

Thank you