Up for sale is a vintage, brass Zippo Slim Lighter cigarette lighter. Looks like an anniversary lighter for the USS Lake Erie 1932 - 1992. Used, but clean and works great. Please let me know if you have any questions, and thank you for looking.

CONDITION: I do my very best to take lots of clear pictures, and give detailed descriptions of the good, the bad, and the ugly, as I have nothing to hide. I want you all happy with your purchases. I may call something, "Near-Mint" but never mint, as it is rare that there actually is such a thing. If, after inspection under a loupe, I cannot find any signs of use, I will state that in the listing. I am also human, and make mistakes, but if I do, I will make it right.

SHIPPING - The free shipping I offer is for economy. If you wish to upgrade, the additional cost will come from you, the buyer, so please let me know of your wishes before making payment.

ENDING AUCTIONS EARLY - I rarely end my auctions early, except for a mistake, or if an item has not received a bid by day five, I may will  pull it, regardless if there are watchers or not. Just as it is every bidder's right to attempt to "snipe" an item at the last second, it is also my right to pull an item. That said, if an auction HAS received a bid, I will not pull it, even if it ends up being a smokin' deal for you, the buyer. :) 

BID RETRACTIONS - Though Ebay "allows" this, it is supposed to be used only in rare circumstances. If you retract a bid on one of my auctions, I will block you. Retracting bids damages the spirit of an auction, and is unfair to legitimate bidders. As a rule, it almost always costs the seller, me in this case, money, as it has the tendency of negatively affecting that particular auction. 

PAYMENT - My personal belief is that payment should be made shortly after an item has been won...Definitely within 24 hours. Ebay, in all of their infinite wisdom, has decided to give everyone four days to pay, so I need to play by their rules. That said, my settings will automatically cancel unpaid orders at the four day, or 96 hour mark. I will not be taking the time to send you payment reminders. Ebay sends us all a reminder when we win, so none of us should need anything further in that regard. If you do not pay, I will have to block you.

FEEDBACK - I will almost always, (I am sure I have missed some over the years), leave feedback when it is given. Please do not use "Positive" feedback to complain about how long the shipping took to get to you, or some other silly passive-aggressive crap. It is unfair, and quite cowardly, and if that is how a person chooses to conduct themselves, I do not want their business, and will have to block them.

Sounds like a lot of blocks, I know, but there is right, and there is wrong. When someone negatively affects my customers and my business, I do not want or need them as a customer. Hopefully most of you will understand. If not, that is 100% your right as well. :) 

Thank you for your cooperation, best of luck to you, and thank you for your interest in the items I have listed.