cinema: Bozzetto Stephan Moretti Zeus E. Salvi 1982 per il fim che non vide mai la luce per il suicidio del regista.
il bozzetto viene presentato al pubblico la prima volta, dopo 25 anni dalla sua acquisizione

tecnica mista, tempera, cm 48x38 in ampio ed elegante passepartout

“Zeus” di Emimmo Salvi, il film che non vide mai la luce per la tragica fine del suo regista


La locandina – che utilizza il titolo Zeus contro l’universo – riconduce la pellicola alla società Alsen, attiva negli anni ’80 Con Alan Jakher nel ruolo di Zeus – Gordon Mitchell nel ruolo di Kronos – Jane Milton nel ruolo di Giunone – Mike Torres – Carroll Welles – Gundar Rools – Nat Skane. Regia: Emimmo Salvi- Sceneggiatura: Harold Temple – Dom. Salvi – Mac. Bufalino – Amb. Molteni – Sergio Tocci. Copyright: Mac. Bufalino – 1981 Kodak Easteman Color. System: Trid-Vision-To. Vendite all’estero: Cinestampa internazionale. At Cannes contats: Scino Glam – Silvestro Rocchi
Tanti pseudonimi sembrano scollegati dal vero nome degli attori, molto probabilmente italiani. Nella sceneggiatura, oltre allo stesso Salvi, si ritrovano Maria Carla Bufalino, impegnata anche nel copione di Pugni, dollari e spinaci, Palmambrogio Molteni, prolifico sceneggiatore, e Sergio Tocci, già sceneggiatore per Salvi in due occasioni (Un gangster venuto da Brooklyn e Simbad contro i sette saraceni). Purtroppo Zeus non vide mai la luce, Salvi, a riprese iniziate, si suicidò, a raccontarlo fu l’amico Gordon Mitchell, uno dei pochi che gli rimase accanto fino alla fine, questo il suo racconto: «Emimmo committed suicide because he got diabetes. (…) And then his legs started to go, and all that. In fact he called me the day before. He said, “Look, I’m in a hospital. But in the morning we’re going to meet with the producer and we’re going to make this film, Zeus.” They had already spent six months working on the technical part; really beautiful. Bonati made all the… like E.T. Bonati actually made the masks for the gorilla in King Kong. He made the masks for E.T. Anyway, Emimmo on the phone was crying; he was so happy we were going to make another film. The next day, a friend of mine told me that Emimmo killed himself. They couldn’t find the gun, though. I just felt so sorry about it.». (3)

• Regista: Domingo Haman – Emimmo Salvi. Regista esterni: Richard Henyog. Produttore: Mac Rufus. Direzione effetti speciali: Albert Thomas. Soggetto: Mac Bufalino. Sceneggiatura: Mac Bufalino – Domingo Haman – Richard Henyog. Direttore luci: Francisco Trumblo. Creazioni artistico-elettroniche: Edgardo Bonazzi. Progettazione ricostruzioni: Ing. Albert Ricci. Scenografie: Stephan Moretti e Ing. Sante Ingegneri. Direzioni costruzioni: Nick Freeman. Musiche: Igor Baltman. Montaggio: Cesar Blank. Trucco: Frank Mecacci. Pellicola Eastmancolor.

cinema: Sketch Stephan Moretti Zeus E. Salvi 1982 for the film that never saw the light of day due to the director's suicide.
the sketch is presented to the public for the first time, 25 years after its acquisition

mixed media, tempera, 48x38 cm in large and elegant passepartout

“Zeus” by Emimmo Salvi, the film that never saw the light of day due to the tragic end of its director


The poster – which uses the title Zeus against the universe – traces the film back to the Alsen company, active in the 1980s With Alan Jakher in the role of Zeus – Gordon Mitchell in the role of Kronos – Jane Milton in the role of Juno – Mike Torres – Carroll Welles – Gundar Rools – Nat Skane. Director: Emimmo Salvi - Screenplay: Harold Temple – Dom. Salvi – Mac. Bufalino – Amb. Molteni – Sergio Tocci. Copyright: Mac. Bufalino – 1981 Kodak Easteman Color. System: Trid-Vision-To. Sales abroad: Cinestampa internazione. At Cannes contacts: Scino Glam – Silvestro Rocchi
Many pseudonyms seem disconnected from the real names of the actors, most likely Italian. In the screenplay, in addition to Salvi himself, we find Maria Carla Bufalino, also involved in the script of Punches, Dollars and Spinach, Palmambrogio Molteni, prolific screenwriter, and Sergio Tocci, already screenwriter for Salvi on two occasions (A Gangster from Brooklyn and Simbad against the seven Saracens). Unfortunately Zeus never saw the light, Salvi, once filming had begun, committed suicide, this was told by his friend Gordon Mitchell, one of the few who remained by his side until the end, this is his story: «Emimmo committed suicide because he got diabetes . (…) And then his legs started to go, and all that. In fact he called me the day before. He said, “Look, I'm in a hospital. But in the morning we're going to meet with the producer and we're going to make this film, Zeus.” They had already spent six months working on the technical part; really beautiful. Bonati made all the… like E.T. Bonati actually made the masks for the gorilla in King Kong. He made the masks for E.T. Anyway, Emimmo was crying on the phone; he was so happy we were going to make another film. The next day, a friend of mine told me that Emimmo killed himself. They couldn't find the gun, though. I just felt so sorry about it.». (3)

• Director: Domingo Haman – Emimmo Salvi. Exterior director: Richard Henyog. Producer: Mac Rufus. Special effects direction: Albert Thomas. Subject: Mac Bufalino. Screenplay: Mac Bufalino – Domingo Haman – Richard Henyog. Lighting director: Francisco Trumblo. Artistic-electronic creations: Edgardo Bonazzi. Reconstruction design: Eng. Albert Ricci. Scenography: Stephan Moretti and Ing. Sante Ingegneri. Construction Management: Nick Freeman. Music: Igor Baltman. Editing: Cesar Blank. Makeup: Frank Mecacci. Eastmancolor film.