Electromagnetic Health & Wellness device

Terahertz - PEMF - Magnetic pulse device - UK Plug and operation guide

Same as the Olylife p-90 but without the $1,200 price tag

This is the godfather of all over-body healing.
Big pharma won’t thank you for it but your DNA will for sure.
These plates are similar to the terahertz wands but more powerful with added PEMF Therapy. They not only have the ability to heal at a cellular level, they have the ability to neutralise harmful magnetic radiation. Just 30 minutes on this plate is claimed to be the equivalent to walking on high energy ground for up to 6 hours, so if you haven’t got 6 hours in your day to walk bare foot on the beach but want to experience the same health benefits, and more, then this is the investment for you.

Terahertz frequency waves align with the natural frequency of human cells, creating millions of vibrations each second, thus triggering the body's innate self-healing capabilities, which means when it passes through the body, it revitalizes the normal cells, wakes up dormant cells, and damaged cells will be eliminated.


PEMF, short for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, involves applying electromagnetic fields to specific cellular structures in the body. These fields are delivered in pulses, mimicking the natural electromagnetic frequencies found within our bodies. This rhythmic pulsing has the potential to positively influence cellular activity and overall well-being.


It releases precisely 8-1000um terahertz waves, which act like a human cell charger, replenishing bioenergy for our body.  

The device also has a strong pulsed electromagnetic field, helping to restore health on all levels. 

  1. Activates cells: The device uses terahertz waves to release precise terahertz waves (8-1000 um) that act like a charger for human cells, replenishing biological energy
  2. Improves microcirculation: The device promotes blood circulation in the body by activating cells
  3. Improves vitality: The device helps to improve vitality by promoting blood circulation and replenishing biological energy
  4. Dredges the meridians: The device helps to dredge the meridians by promoting blood circulation and removing cold and dampness from the body
  5. Expels cold and dampness: The device helps to remove cold and dampness from the body by promoting blood circulation
  6. Removes waste from the body: The device helps to remove waste from the body by promoting blood circulation
  7. Burns fat and sculpts the body: The device helps to burn fat and sculpt the body by promoting metabolism
  8. Relieves inflammation, pain, fatigue: The device helps to relieve inflammation, pain, fatigue by promoting blood circulation and replenishing biological energy

The device emits 1 MHz electromagnetic energy and bio-imitation magnetic energy. It is considered safe and secured.

Terahertz wave resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when terahertz waves interact with human cells at the same frequency. Terahertz waves are electromagnetic waves within the ITU-designated band of frequencies from 0.3 to 3 terahertz (THz). They are also known as submillimetre radiation, T-rays, T-waves, T-light, T-lux or THz. Terahertz waves lie at the far end of the infrared band, just before the start of the microwave band.

When terahertz waves interact with human cells, they can mediate changes in cell structure and function by exciting non-linear resonance effects in proteins and DNA. Based on this mechanism, terahertz waves of specific frequencies and energies affect the structure and function of neurons.

Simple & easy to use, just place your feet on the charger plate for 30 minutes a day. Ensure you drink plenty of water during use and do not let the body get cold before or after use.

Safety precautions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlnXdC6dcF4

Considering that the instrument can accelerate blood circulation during use, the following individuals are prohibited from using or precautions should be taken! !

·       People with symptoms of high fever, bleeding, and tendency to bleed, and less than six months after surgery

·       Menstrual women may have increased blood flow

·       Individuals who implant electronic devices such as cardiac pacemakers, stents, and cochlear implants, as well as metal objects such as steel plates and bone joint stents.

Pregnant women

·       people with severe cardiopulmonary dysfunction

·       Patients with myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, cerebral haemorrhage

·       Patients who have had a stroke, who have not recovered for more than six months.

·       Patients with severe diabetes should seek medical advice

·       People with weak physique

·       Patients with serious diseases should seek medical advice

·       Individuals with severe abnormal blood pressure

·       Patients who have the inability to feel heat or sensation

·       Children are prohibited from using

·       Elderly should be assisted at all times

lease note the remote control has Chinese symbols on but a complete UK user/operation guide will be included.  Aftercare sales and operation help will be available upon request.