Item is lightly used but it is in good overall condition.

Water Quality Assurance:
It's endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for preparing formula, ensuring that the water is safe for infant consumption. Additionally, it remains boiling for 1 minute after being boiled, further ensuring its safety.

Constant Temperature Maintenance:
This kettle can maintain water temperature at your desired level 24/7, ensuring that water is always readily available at the right temperature for formula preparation, even during nighttime feedings.

Optimal Formula Temperature:
By default, it sets water temperature to 105°F, which is recommended for most formula brands. This temperature facilitates complete dissolution of formula while preserving its nutrients and probiotics. Warm milk can also help with infant digestion and alleviate reflux and stomach pain.

Temperature Adjustment:
Users can adjust the water temperature using the controls on the panel, allowing for customization based on individual preferences or specific formula requirements. The device also remembers the last temperature setting used, eliminating the need for constant resetting.

Large Capacity and Easy Handling:
With a capacity of 1.2 liters (40 ounces), the kettle holds enough water for typical daily use. Its large opening facilitates easy filling and cleaning. Despite its sturdy construction, it weighs only 1.6 lbs., making it lightweight enough to be easily lifted and poured with one hand.