Paya 1934 Gran Tourismo Sedan in Navy Blue trimmed in red. Beautiful vehicle.  Limited certified edition 904. Juguetes Historico 1985.

This wind up toy is a reproduction of the original toy. Original toys were made from 1930 to 1948. This one was made in 1985. The Paya Company was founded in 1902 by Rafael Paya. Four years later Rafael's sons Pascual, Emilio and Vincente built the first toy factory in Spain and by the 1920s Paya's toys were considered the equal of then great and famous toy makers to the north. Not only was Paya quality the equal of Marklin of Germany, but Paya's colors and imprints were graphically more interesting, precise and bolder. The 1930s, with Raimundo Paya at the helm, was the time of great expansion. Paya once again started making toys.In 1985, Lino made the decision to remake all of the classic old litho tinplate toys on a very limited basis.

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