150 Feastables Mr Beast chocolate bars. Indulge in a delectable treat with this chocolate sweet and assortment from Feastables. The package contains four different flavors - original chocolate, sea salt, crunch and peanut butter - all wrapped in one. Each half bar has 170 calories and is perfect for any occasion.

This single bar packaging contains two serving and is manufactured in the United States. The expiration date is in 2025, and for those with allergies, please check the package for details. Personalization is not available. Enjoy this delicious chocolate anytime, and let your taste buds be swept away by the luxurious flavors.

-Deez Nutz 6 boxes- 60 bars

Expiration date 15 March, 2025

- Original Chocolate 3boxes- 30 bars

Expiration date 26 March 2025

- Chocolate Sea Salt 3 boxes-30 bars

Expiration date 15 April, 2025

- Crunch Milk Chocolate 3 boxes-30 bars, Expiration Date 10 Sep, 2024