Reducing the extra fluids in your body
Helping you with weight loss
Beneficial antioxidant
Improve your weight loss program 
Slow or reverse typical processes of aging
Slow down premature aging
Give the skin a healthier glow
Maintain a healthy weight
Improving constipation issues 
Improvement in digestive system
Improving overall blood circulation
Made In USA



The health benefits of Acai an antioxidant-rich super berry found in the Amazon rainforest, may be beneficial for entire body functioning. Acai, also known as the superfood that's good for everything, into your daily diet.  Our water away supplement may improve your pH balance. It will help you determine whether you could be in need of a nutrition change. This herbal supplement may be beneficial in reducing the extra fluids in your body as well as helping you with weight loss. 

Contain Antioxidant Properties

A major component that is present in acai pulp would be a beneficial antioxidant. During acai rise to fame, many whispers tied the antioxidant-filled berry to weight loss. acai supplement suggesting you were in for a smaller waistline, less bloating, and a cleansed digestive system were common staples in health food stores. Taking acai supplementation on regular basis may improve your weight loss program and show fast results. Linking acai berries to weight loss is beneficial for entire body health. 


Acai berries are one of the planets highest sources of antioxidants, with one berry holding two times the amount of blueberries and ten times the amount of antioxidants as grapes. As they are extremely high in many forms of antioxidants, acai berries may contribute to an ability to slow or reverse typical processes of aging. Acai is a great natural alternative to many skin products. Due to the acai’s high antioxidant content this supplement may slow down premature aging. When eaten the berries can also give your skin a healthier glow. 

Liver health

Water away may show the potential to help your body cleanse. It works by improving your Metabolism and supporting the digestion. By breaking it down, water away supplementation helps protect the liver. At the same time, it helps rehydrate the body, and dehydration is a major part. In addition to improving cardiovascular function, your entire digestive system may receive a support from consuming acai berries as well. The effect of acai fruit pulp on metabolic problems and regulating overweight and overeating may be beneficial as well. 

Weight Loss

Acai berries are known as a super-food and may help us not only lose weight, but maintain a healthy weight. Pulp from the acai berry had the ability to reduce the effects of a high-fat diet. The berries have powerful cleanse capacities in the human body and are a well-known traditional source of dietary fiber. Taking acai may also help in keeping our digestive system clean and in optimal function. This herbal supplement may not only help us lose weight, but maintain a healthy weight too.

Digestive health

Taking our natural water away pills on regular basis may be beneficial for improvement in digestive system. Our water away supplement may neutralize the stomach problems. Water away acts to both counter some acidity, and dilutes acidity at the same time. Water away supplement supplies antioxidant which act to displace oxygen in the gut. This helps tilt the balance in your gut. This supplement may be beneficial for improving constipation issues as well. 

Heart Health

Acai Berries are rich in plant sterols that provide cardio-protective benefits to our cells. It does this by improving overall blood circulation, and relaxing the blood vessels. The antioxidants in acai berries are associated with the ability to lower cholesterol levels in the blood stream. Acai berries will help people with cardiovascular problems as well as managing cholesterol levels.  

Energy Boost

Taking acai extract can lead to an increased overall level of Energy and stamina due to its overall health benefits and may help to deal with fatigue and exhaustion. Whenever you need a boost, simply consume acai berries and you will be ready to go in no time. Acai has been shown to increase Energy and stamina. This herbal supplementation might be beneficial for increasing overall Energy levels as well as supporting endurance and stamina. 

Supplement Facts 
Serving Size: 1 Capsule 
Amount Per Container: 60 
Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 25mg 1250% 
Potassium (as potassium chloride) 25mg <1% 
Chloride (as potassium chloride) 23mg <1%
Dandelion (4:1 concentrate) 225mg    * 
Green Tea (50% extract) 100mg    * 
Cranberry (30% extract / powder)   75mg    * 
Juniper Berry (4:1 concentrate)   50mg    * 
Bucchu Leaves (4:1 concentrate)   50mg    * 
Apple Cider Vinegar (35% extract)   50mg    * 
Corn Silk (herb powder)   25mg    * 
Paprika (herb powder)   25mg    * 
Watermelon (herb powder)   25mg    * 

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin (bovine), silicon dioxide and vegetable magnesium stearate. Helps reduce excess water in the body*

SUGGESTED USE: 1 capsule taken 1to 2 times daily preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.

Supplement Facts 
Serving Size: 2 Capsules 
Servings Per Container: 30
Acai Fruit (4:1 concentrate) 1200mg *

Other Ingredients: Gelatin,  Magnesium Stearate and Silicon Dioxide. 

SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, take one (1) to two (2) capsules daily.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.