The U.S. Capitol, located on The Hill in Washington, D.C., is a historic landmark with a rich history. Construction on the Capitol began in 1793 under the direction of President Washington, but it wasn't completed until 1863. The main part of the building is made of Massachusetts marble and Virginia sandstone, while the iconic dome is a double shell of cast iron painted white to match the rest of the structure.Visitors to Washington, D.C. can marvel at the impressive architecture of the U.S. Capitol and learn about its significance in American history. The Capitol serves as the meeting place for the United States Congress, where important decisions are made that impact the entire nation. It is a symbol of democracy and a must-see destination for anyone interested in politics or American government.The Washington Novelty Co., Inc. and H. S. Crocker Co., Inc. have captured the beauty of the U.S. Capitol on this postcard, allowing people from all over the world to appreciate its grandeur. Whether you're exploring the National Mall or taking a guided tour of the Capitol building, you'll be immersed in the history and culture of the United States. Don't miss the chance to visit this iconic landmark and experience the legacy of President Washington and the founding fathers.