Art appears similar to X-Men #87 cover. Contains Ice-Man, Angel, and Marcel Girl, who Resign from the X-Men in issue #94 (August 1975). This rare poster is signed Nanco ‘75 suggesting that it was drawn right before the New X-Men were formed the same year in 1975. Interestingly the Beast is drawn as the Fury Beast not Human form alongside our favorite mutant group.... Yet the Beast Leaves the X-Men in #66! “Roy Thomas suggested that McCoy transform into a furry mutant. “ How could this be? For what reason did Chip Nanco include the Beast right next to the X-Men? What did he know? This group we know today wasn’t as popular as you’d think..In fact the X-Men’s popularity was so low they started reprinting the early issues issue 67-93. It’s only when the new team came in #94 that popularity surged (just months after this poster), making this extra scarce. This rare poster is filled with mystery and exclusivity for one lucky X-Men collector. And you won’t see another.