Aloeswood is the resinous wood from the Aquilaria tree, an evergreen tree native to china Hainan, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. It's scientific name is Aquilara Malaccensis Lam. or Aquilaria agallocha. 
  Aloeswood (Agarwood) is one of the most rare and precious woods in the world, prized for its rich and wonderful fragrance. It has been used for centuries in religious ceremonies, as well as in traditional medicine. It is believed to have both mental and physical medicinal benefits – with properties thought to balance the mind and body and relieve pain. Aloeswood is also believed by many to have aphrodisiacal qualities.
  Aloeswood oil is known for bringing relaxation to the mind, warm the heart & calm the mind, it is a truly uplifting experience and open an avenue of peace and contentment. In early years, many noble women & men use Aloeswood oil and burn aloeswood chips to fragrance themselves, their clothes, rooms prior to attending important meeting, party, weedings, etc to stay attractive and having beautiful scents. And also acts as an APHRODISIAC.
  Formation of agarwood occurs in the trunk and roots of trees that have been infected by a parasitc mould, Phialophora parasitica, a dematiaceous (dark-walled) fungus. As a response, the tree produces a resin high in volatile organic compounds that aids in suppressing or retarding fungal growth. While the unaffected wood of the tree is relatively light in colour, the resin dramatically increases the mass and density of the affected wood, changing its colour from a pale beige to dark brown or black. In natural forest only 7 % of the trees are infected by the fungus. High quality resin comes from a tree's natural immune response to a fungal attack. It is commonly known as agarwood #1 (first quality). (Sources: wikipedia)
In the world, Aloeswood is the most prized of all incenses, and the purest Aloeswood is pound-for-pound more expensive than gold! Aloeswood trees have sweet-smelling flowers, and are native to China Hainan , Cambodia, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam. When an Aloes tree has fallen a dark resin forms within its heartwood. This resin forms as an immune response, and the heartwood is then harvested for incense and medicinal uses. The older the tree, the better the quality, and the more expensive the wood. Aloeswood incense is used for both medicinal and spiritual purposes. As a medicine, it is a remedy for nervous disorders. For non-medicinal purposes, it is used to help people get in touch with their spiritual side, and thus, it is in high demand as a meditation aid. Those who use aloeswood incense claim that it has a great calming effect on the mind. But Aloes isn't just for medical and spiritual uses. Many feel it is a powerful aphrodisiac, and in some cultures the women scent their clothes as well as themselves with it.
  Hainan sinensis, the sweet aroma of rich, Hainan incense generally ten to three years to produce fragrance, and this old oil mainly concentrated in the trunk of the skin, usually the first part of the tree, Ah fork parts, parts are easily assembled wound from oil This incense is only suitable for medicinal or refined oils, incense in recent years, this low level is also available through artificial cultivation. Some have more than two hundred years old old trees, the oil was well assembled, and even the trunk of the core is also rich in oil, this incense is especially valuable, because the sculpture can be processed into a variety of crafts handed down to posterity, for VIPs collection, Hainan incense butter and black oil grid cell is one of the best incense. Hainan black oil incense box, drawing on Hainan Island Five Fingers of incense trees the first core material, the East Cave is the highest mountain above sea level Wuzhishan, year-round sunshine. Li and language, the "cell" refers to the wood of the core. The basic color of black oil cells are dark brown, slightly yellowish-white, brindle irregular flakes or lumps, as point-like pores, this feature is difficult to fraud by those who forged.
  As a medicine, it is a remedy for nervous disorders. For non-medicinal purposes, it is used to help people get in touch with their spiritual side, and thus, it is in high demand as a meditation aid. Those who use aloeswood incense claim that it has a great calming effect on the mind. But Aloes isn't just for medical and spiritual uses. Many feel it is a powerful aphrodisiac, and in some cultures the women scent their clothes as well as themselves with it.