Californian Poppy 130g (4.58 oz.) 
Dried Flower / Herbal Tea
Experience the ancient power of Californian Poppy with Ancient Purity's California Poppy Tea. This herb, known for its Big Chill properties, has been utilised by Native Americans for centuries. California Poppy Tea offers a gentle relaxation. Native to Mexico and the Western United States, this versatile herb is best enjoyed as a calming tea.

Renowned herbalist Michael Moore praises its anxiety-reducing effects, while noting its ability to promote relaxation and gentle lethargy as a sedative. California Poppy can be a natural way to find balance and peace. It can support the body's natural enzyme functions. Enhance the soothing experience with a touch of honey or Maple Syrup. 
Unwind with California Poppy Tea in the evening for a restful night's sleep, and embrace the tranquillity that this ancient herb has to offer.

Suggested Use

Add 1 - 2 teaspoons in a cup and pour boiling water into the cup.

Let it steep and cool down for about 10 minutes before drinking.

There is no need to strain but you can after 10 minutes.


WARNING: Not enough is known about the use of California poppy during pregnancy and breast-feeding. 

California Poppy can slow down the central nervous system, causing sleepiness and other effects. 

There is some concern that California Poppy might slow down the central nervous system too much when combined with anaesthetics and other medications used during and after surgery. 

Stop using California poppy at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.


NOTE: The California Indians have used the golden poppy for medicinal and psychoactive purposes since prehistoric times. All parts of the plant (leaves, flowers, stems, seeds, and roots) have been used for their mild psychoactive effects. For a more enjoyable drinking experience, use our Bombilla Hot Drink Straw!


Q: Is it addictive?

A: No, California Poppy is not addictive. It is not an illegal drug. Just use it as you can read in our ‘Suggested Use’ section.


Q: Yes it really helps me but didn’t know the taste could be that bitter. Should I add sugar to the tea?

A: Glad to hear it works for you! If you want to go all-natural, add one teaspoon of honey to your cup of tea. This will take the bitterness away.


Q: Does it help with mood disorders?

A: The tea of Californian Poppy has a calming, tranquillising and relaxing effect on most people that have used it. Being tranquil and calm usually leads to better emotional well-being.