Used Xbox One with controller, power, HDMI cable, optical audio cable and a few games included.

Get yourself a super cheap Xbox! Why not? It's two console generations old and a bit grubby looking but it's still a fun way to avoid doing whatever it is you ought to be doing!

It works and everything! Includes a controller that's faithfully guided me through the Commonwealth Wasteland, Night City, St. Denis and Blackwater, Los Santos, etc, etc, and definitely shows it!

Includes a power cable! Wowee!

Includes what might turn out to be the cheapest optical audio cable you've ever bought!

Includes The Sims 4! Is that the one where you can't even drown them in the pool?

Includes Halo 5! You can hang with a sexy computer ghost or something, I don't know I never really got into it.

Includes Star Wars Battlefront (the first one)! Browse the empty servers to your heart's content!

Includes the original box, which has been stored in the attic for three years so is basically like tissue paper, but it's still original!

I'm moving house and need this thing out of here asap so am listing super cheap. Help me Marie Kondo myself and get bidding!

Questions welcomed but also I'm lazy and not very good at responding, so, you know... bear that in mind.
