
Title: “Legend of Idol” ((B-CLUB SPECIAL)
Idol legend Eriko
Idol Angel Welcome Yoko
★★First edition★ Published December 15, 1992
Legend of Idol eriko+yoko Eriko Tamura Yoko Tanaka
★There are no tears or cuts, but there is some deterioration over time.

★Idol INDEX (color gravure with newly drawn cells)
★Idol magazine "BAMB!" (Full of data on Erin and Yokkyun)
★Encore Theater (Revisit that famous scene)
★Setting materials collection (covers facial expressions, costumes, etc.)
★Design notes (obtain valuable initial designs)
★Jacket Gallery (includes illustrations decorating CD and video jackets) "I can't speak English,
but I can answer simple questio” “Idol legend Eriko”
"Idol Angel Welcome Yoko"