All these photos were from a scrapbook of the same family found in Denver, Colorado in the summer of 2023. The photos seem to be from the 1920’s era. The album features a family that took photos from the San Diego, California region. A lot of them have Dorothy’s writing on the back but a few do not so it is the context that helped me with identifying some individuals and details of the photos. 

The photos seemed to have once belonged to a woman named Dorothy as she sometimes writes on the back “me” where she appears. She is also called Dot on the back of the photos. Her name was Dorothy Daggett Ecton and she was born in Iowa in 1905. She married George Eugene Ecton (Buck) but died young on August 15, 1938 around the age of 33. She is buried at Greenwood Memorial Park in San Diego, California.

The photos have some of the black scrap book paper still on them as well as marks from the original tape backing. The photos are black and white and usually developed at a place called Bunnell Photos in San Diego. They are yellowed in areas from age. Some corners show damage and there may be small holes or creases. Please see photos for details.

Information on the 11 photos in this lot:
Spring 1924
Unexplained photo of a woman sitting on the stairs of a nice house.

November 1924
Los Gatos, California
Going on a mountain stroll
Mother (Etta Jones Daggett)
Carrie Daggett (Dorothy’s cousin)

December 1924
3695 3rd Street San Diego, California
The girls dress up in Kimono and take pictures next to the poinsettia in the backyard.

Christine Decker
Dorothy Daggett Ecton

March 10, 1925
Kinzer Bungalow
Mr. Willie Kinzer
Mrs. Kinzer
Etta Jones Daggett 

Unmarked Group
Six well dressed adults in a group picture all wearing hats. Photo was taken outside.

July 1925
San Diego, California
Dorothy writes on the back of this one “So don’t be shocked at our costumes. This is the way all hikers and mountain picnickers dress.” 
Don Hall
Dorothy Daggett Ecton
Buck (George Eugene Ecton) is taking the photo

Unmarked Photo
6 modestly dressed adults take a group photo at the train station beside some tracks. 

November 1926
Unknown woman standing in front of the palm tree alone in the backyard wearing a dark hat. 

November 1926
Same day as the photo before and the same woman with a dark hat but this time she is accompanied by another lady also in a hat.

Unmarked Photo
Smiling woman in hat and long plaid coat in tall grass next to a road

Unmarked Photo
It looks like Dorothy on the right next to another girl (maybe Bernice) holding parasols sat on a bench.