OTTO Fugenboy large 11 mm 14 mm 17 mm set of 3 silicone silicone squeegees Ottoseal


We all have OTTO CHEMISTRY Products in the range.


OTTO Fugenboy large

Highly flexible straightening tool for professionals
Sizes: 11mm, 14mm, 17mm

Delivery form:
1 set of Fugenboy large

Safety notice:
Keep out of reach of children.
Always read the label and product information before use.

Payment via PayPal
Shipping by DHL
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OTTO Fugenboy large 11 mm 14 mm 17 mm set of 3 silicone silicone squeegees Ottoseal Round cord OTTOCORD PUR-HS-B3 40mm 100m a 1m backfill material made of polyurethane Round cord OTTOCORD PUR-HS-B3 30mm 100m a 1m backfill material made of polyurethane Round cord OTTOCORD PUR-HS-B3 25mm 100m a 1m backfill material made of polyurethane Round cord OTTOCORD PUR-HS-B3 20mm 100m a 1m backfill material made of polyurethane Round cord OTTOCORD PUR-HS-B3 15mm 100m a 1m backfill material made of polyurethane Round cord OTTOCORD PUR-HS-B3 10mm 100m a 1m backfill material made of polyurethane Round cord Ottocord PUR-H-B3 40mm 100m a 1m backfill material made of polyurethane Round cord Ottocord PUR-H-B3 30mm 100m a 1m backfill material made of polyurethane Round cord Ottocord PUR-H-B3 25mm 100m a 1