Lugols Iodine - 50ml
Stored in Miron Glass Bottle
A Safe, Effective, Original Lugols Iodine solution, ensuring purity and potency. Iodine is found in every organ of the body and is essential for humans. A vital trace element, almost all of us are low on Iodine. Low Iodine levels are linked to a myriad of problems. In 1829, a French physician named Jean Lugol originated a solution which contains 5% of elemental Iodine in a 10% solution of Potassium Iodide. It has been used steadily ever since and for a good reason!

Suggested Use
Take 1-2 drops in pure filtered water daily or take it as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

Q: What is Lugol's Iodine?
A: Lugol’s Iodine is a brown transparent bacteriostatic fungicidal liquid. It contains 10 parts of potassium iodide to five parts Iodine to 85 parts of distilled water.

Q: Can I mix Lugol's Iodine into my juices or with other products?
A: We think it's best to put the Iodine in a small amount of filtered or distilled water and just drink it with water.

Q: Can I take Lugol's Iodine every day continuously, or should i have a break during the dose?
A: Like many supplements, it’s recommended to have a break now and then from what you’re taking. Many people will take Lugol’s Iodine in 2 week cycles and then take a one-week break, then repeat. The whole idea beyond natural health and us talking about controlling our health is finding out what works for us and taking responsibility, we highly recommend you read up on Lugol’s Iodine, but following our dosage with the break is a good start.

Q: Can i take pharmacy bought Iodine internally?
A: No, Iodine bought in the pharmacy is NOT safe for internal consumption. Lugol's Iodine has a different formulation.

Q: I've heard people recommending all sorts of different types of Iodine, what’s right for me?
A: We think Lugol's Iodine is the best choice for health but would suggest you read up on all of them and decide for yourself.

Q: Can I take Lugol's Iodine by another method, e.g. in food or directly onto the tongue/under the tongue?
A: This is another area in which you will find differing opinions and may well encounter sufficiently compelling information that you do wish to try taking the Lugol's Iodine by another method, but we'd recommend the "dilute in quality water and drink" method, as described on our site.