Experience the thrill of the race with the Carrera Slotcars Digital 132 series featuring the DTM Furore model. This top-of-the-line digital slot car operates in a smooth and steady manner, perfect for both beginners and enthusiasts alike. The car boasts a sleek design with Carrera's signature attention to detail, ensuring a visually stunning addition to any collection.

This model is fully compatible with other Digital 132 cars and offers a range of features such as lane changing and digital control, allowing for competitive and exciting races. Whether you're a fan of Carrera or simply looking for a high-quality slot car, the Digital 132 DTM Furore is sure to impress.

The level of detail in programming is spectacular. You can even change the performance of the cars with the performance changing according to wear of tyres, weight of fuel and much more.

We used it a couple of times when we bought it but eventually never used it again.